Κυριακή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010
Who is it ?
Better Globe help attract foreign tree buyers to Africa that will provide sustainable jobs and development of local supporting industries. This is where you can participate! Are you willing to help Africa grow out of poverty and be a socially responsible "green investor", bringing both hope for the poor and plant trees that support the local environment with a profit?
The concept of "Doing Good and Making Money" is key to creating local jobs and developing industries. Aid over the years has not proven very successful or sustainable. It is time to go in a new and sustainable direction with proven track records!!!
Please educate yourself from the links below and step up to the challenge, are you ready to be part of a sustainable solution?
Why plant trees?
In the future we will have to realize that the world's rainforests are not an unlimited supply of firewood, building material and exotic furniture. Timber from sustainable forestry will be in high demand and probably an increasingly valuable commodity, making it all the more a better green investment. And let us not forget that planting trees is investing in the future of our children. Tree planting is the best known way to prevent erosion and desertification, which is a constant threat to Africa's suffering soil fertility.
Trees also create economic growth through harvesting of sustainable natural resources (fruits, medicine, replacement of chemicals, etc) and development of supporting industries.
Planting trees is crucial to Africa's food production and the best known way to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere!
How can I help Africa and Better Globe?
You can help Better Globe stop hunger and poverty in Africa with very little effort, time and expense. By becoming a Better Globe tree investor you'll actually help poor families in Africa and make a profit. Your first step is to learn more about Better Globe; read through this page. The next step is getting involved and spreading the word. And in Better Globe; the more you give, the more you in turn receive! Sign up today on my Better Globe affiliate site, help us make a difference: www.providehelp.com
Doing Good AND Making Money
Doing Good AND Making Money
In accordance with the business principles outlined by African leaders and CEO of The Shell Foundation, Better Globe have launched 3 attractive ways to support their effort in the eradication of hunger and poverty. We hope that you are ready to participate in at least one of the 3 programs listed below. Your contribution will have an immeasurable effect on the lives of those who need it the most in Africa. How ready are you to make a difference together with Better Globe by embracing the concept of Doing Good AND Making Money for Africa?
1. Better Globe Donation Member:
When you are buying a Donation Package (cost €49) every month, you are supporting Child Africa’s important work with children and the building of new schools. Another part of the money goes to the Micro Finance Bank program to support poor farmers with microcredit. Your Donation Package also includes 4 Better Globe trees and 500 liters of water donated to help poor farmers. Out of the 4 Better Globe trees 2 are donated in Africa to stop desertification, erosion, hunger, poverty and to stimulate local economic growth. The reaming 2 Better Globe trees are planted to give you profit. Over the next 20 years you will receive a minimum of close to 5 times the whole Donation Package payment in return. And during this period your trees provide jobs, protection against erosion, protection against desertification and many other benefits.
You also have the option to invest in extra trees at €15 per tree with a guaranteed return of at least 11 times initial investment over 20 years. Contact us for more information about becoming a Donation Member and how you can make an income helping Better Globe to stop hunger and poverty in Africa. More information and presentations here: www.providehelp.com
2. Better Globe Ambassador:
By signing up as a Better Globe Ambassador you also become active in the donation program. Better Globe Ambassadors can make money doing good by inviting Donation members and other Ambassadors to Better Globe. An additional investment / purchase of 10 trees extra once a year also gives you the right to sell trees to individuals who want to invest in Better Globe trees.
We invite you to start Doing Good AND Making Money with Better Globe and to help reduce poverty and hunger in Africa. More information: www.providehelp.com
3. Better Globe Investor
(Buy tree option for tree investors):
This is for everyone who does not want to participate in the Better Globe donation program and prefers to be an Associate Member. As an Associate Member there is no start package fee (€65) and no income opportunity besides the profits of your own investments. Everyone is welcome in Better Globe and every tree counts!
As an Associate member you can at any time upgrade to Donation Member or Better Globe Ambassador. Contact us for more information about investing in trees with Better Globe or visit: www.providehelp.com
Making a difference for a Better Globe
Unfortunately many people fail to recognize that one person can make a difference. How big a difference is completely up to each and every individual, and that includes you! You decide exactly how much you want to influence your surroundings. You might not always get what you want straight away. But history is undeniable proof that people with enough determination either accomplish their goals, or inspire someone else to. Better Globe is no different and the determination is already there, if something is missing it is your participation. How can we bring you on board?
Better Globe CEO Rino Solberg
Rino is a successful trainer / speaker, business consultant and an international entrepreneur who has built businesses in many countries. Rino has been in Uganda nearly every year for the past 15 years and has obtained good contacts with many of the ministers, and personally knows many of the government officials in the country, as well as many of the top leaders in private businesses. He was first invited by the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, to help the first Ugandan companies to get their ISO 9000 Quality System Certification. Through the years more than 85 Ugandan companies has been ISO 9000 certified with the help of Rino Solberg and his company Total Quality Management Ltd.
Rino is also an author of eight books in the areas of personal development and human relations and has produced several training courses within the same areas. His last book is called “Put Integrity First” and is an important Better Globe contribution to prevent corruption in Africa. His main interest is to "help people help themselves", and this is also the main purpose of the child charity organization, Child Africa. Rino and his wife Julie Solberg opened Child Africa as a non-profit organization in 1991.
Below you can see a 10 minute special TV report about Better Globe on a Ugandan morning show from January 2010 where Rino Solberg, Chairman and CEO of Better Globe Group, was interviewed: See the TV clip here!
Your help and support is invaluable in the important fight against hunger and poverty. Better Globe is totally dependent on people like you getting involved in order to fulfil their ambitious and honourable vision. Are YOU ready help Better Globe stop hunger and poverty in Africa through tree planting by investing in and / or donating Better Globe trees?
Help Africa today, visit www.providehelp.com!
Email me: koskatsar@how2sponsor.com
Better Globe's 3 major focus areas in Africa
Better Globe's 3 major focus areas in Africa
Better Globe and tree planting:
Tree planting is vital to prevent desertification, which continues to be a serious and growing challenge in Africa, Asia and South America. In Africa poor farmers are struggling to feed their families while farmable land could diminish by up to two thirds the next 20 years. Only tree planting can prevent this development. Many foreign companies in Africa are planting trees in areas that could have been used for food production. Better Globe is committed to plant in more difficult and semi-arid areas to ensure food production increases. These forests will prevent erosion, desertification, create a better local climate for poor farmers and help them increase their food production. Large scale tree planting also has a positive effect on the global environment.
Tree planting will in future enable Better Globe to offer quality wood from sustainable forestry without depleting natural resources. Harvesting of sustainable natural resources will create jobs, income opportunities and economical development as local supporting industries are created. Note that most trees will be planted to prevent desertification and help local farmers. Only owner trees bought by investors will be harvested. In Africa today only 1 tree is planted for every 28 that is cut. You can now help Better Globe significantly change this tragic depletion of natural resources and fertile soil.
Tree planting in Africa has simply too many positive ripple effects for us to go into here, please contact us if you want to learn more about the importance of trees.
With your help Better Globe aim to plant 5 billion trees by the end of 2026.
Better Globe and agriculture:
Today 80% of Africa’s population consists of poor farmers, and according to Global Policy Forum International, aid to the African agriculture was cut in half during the period of 1990 to 2000. The World Bank has confirmed the link between agricultural growth and the reduction of poverty. With 1% increase in agricultural investments, 2 times the increase in income is generated compared with the same investment in the Service Sector.
Better Globe’s strategy is to fight poverty in Africa by helping poor farmers to earn more money. Incorporated in this strategy are training farms where water management and different farming techniques will be taught to further help poor farmers. And in 2009 Better Globe are opening a Micro Finance Bank. Through the Micro Finance Bank small loans to poor farmers can help them increase their profits. After a while the farmer will be able to pay back the loan. Micro Financing is a very efficient way to give people aid to become self-sustained. Experiences show that nearly 100% of the loans are paid back.
By 2026 Better Globe aim to operate the world’s largest Micro Finance Bank, with focus on helping poor farmers.
Better Globe and education:
Numbers from UNESCO suggest that 1.3 billion people are living on less than US$ 1 a day and the number is rising. People living on less then $2 a day is estimated at a devastating 2.6 billion people! It is only by teaching young people how to be self-sustained that it’s possible for them to break free from the humiliating poverty. Education holds the key to reduce poverty and achieve welfare. UNESCO continues by stating that no country has had any success without first educating its people. Better Globe has chosen education as one of 3 focus areas because education is vital to the development of a self-sustained Africa free of poverty.
Better Globe are supporting NGO Child Africa.org with donations and Child Africa has started building schools in Africa that also incorporate deaf children. The charity organization Child Africa was founded in 1991 by Better Globe CEO Rino Solberg and his wife Julie Solberg.
Child Africa was presented at the official opening of the www.spreadthesign.com project attended by Queen Silvia of Sweden, the Swedish Education Minister and other prominent guests. You can see the presentation that also gives thanks to Better Globe for economical support to build Child Africa schools. Child Africa is also gaining media recognition for the important work in Kabale. Read the article about Child Africa in Kabale.
Better Globe is also focusing on the challenging fight against corruption by donating their book “Put Integrity First” to schools and universities all over Africa. "Put Integrity First" was written by Rino Solberg and integrity is in fact thought as a subject in Child Africa’s schools, because it has to begin with the children for the situation to change. Today corruption is a constant challenge that is greatly undermining future development in Africa. Read more about Child Africa.
By 2026 Better Globe’s goal is to build more schools in Africa than any other single organization has done before.
Making the Better Globe vision a reality through sustainable “charity”
Better Globe has realized a truth put forward by the CEO of The Shell Foundation Mr. Kurt Hoffmann in an article in Newsweek 5th of September 2005. Mr. Hoffmann explained in Newsweek that business activities in thousands of small and large enterprises are the recipe to generate the money needed to help those in poverty. The combined money from all of the world’s aid organizations is simply not enough. The fact is that people have donated money to fight poverty in Africa for decades, but poverty in Africa has only increased.
The critics of how Africa is being helped often claim that we are making the situation worse, and sometimes on purpose. Popular conspiracy theories suggest that we are not really trying to help because it means we would lose the economic benefits of cheap labour, cheap commodities, cheap raw materials and so on
(Story of Stuff talks about this from the consumers prospective). It seems we might have to give up a part of our wealth and increasingly materialistic lifestyle for Africa to break free from poverty. Can this really be true, or are more beneficial alternatives being overlooked?
Better Globe want to fight poverty effectively over time, which means supporting poor farmers in Africa based on business principles and profit. The poor are learning how to earn needed income, and those helping are making money in the process. Aid alone has over the decades proven insufficient in reducing poverty found in Africa. A global movement is needed where money is being made in both ends while preserving natural resources and preferably the environment. With this strategy ending poverty in Africa can become a reality through a unique win-win-win solution that you are invited to take part in!
African leaders have long stated that they want their countries to become self sustained. They prefer money through foreign investors and not through charity alone. Leaders in Africa realize that they still need money and support from aid organizations to keep people from dying. Their expressed appeal however, is that Africa must attract more foreign investors that can help create sustainable economic growth. Joining Better Globe is your opportunity to help Africa with education, preventing desertification and hunger, and what African leaders say they need the most; sustainable economic growth.
The culmination of Better Globe’s strategy to end poverty in Africa and the understanding of underlying business principles gave birth to the catchphrase: “Doing Good AND Making Money ”
How can YOU help prevent hunger and poverty in Africa with tree planting?
How can YOU help prevent hunger and poverty in Africa with tree planting?
Better globe is an internationally growing Norwegian member organization dedicated to eradicating hunger and poverty in Africa through tree planting, and by supporting education of children and helping farmers.
Better Globe’s initiative is based on positive business principles. You can now help eradicate desertification, hunger and poverty in Africa through buying trees,
tree planting, by donating money, trees and water!
Learn how Doing Good AND Making Money through a positive green investment strategy can help Africa. Learn why many African leaders are positive to Better Globe's approach, and all the benefits it brings to Africa. Can a win-win-win situation make a difference in Africa?
Better Globe's goal and vision
“Better Globe aim to do more to fight poverty in Africa over the next 20 years than any other single organization has done before. Our main focus areas are tree planting, agriculture and education.”
There is only one way of achieving such a challenging vision in a continent where children are dying of hunger and malnutrition. Better Globe need people like YOU to get involved, people that are willing to take a new direction, people that are willing to invest in Africa, people that want to help others. Most people agree that we should make the world a better place, but how often do we actually do something to that effect?
This is your opportunity to invest in somebody else’s wellbeing and in our environment. We encourage YOU to help Africa. Make a difference, join Better Globe todayBetter Globe tree planting expertise
Better Globe tree planting expertise
Jan Van den Abeele has been the Executive Director of Better Globe Forestry since August 2006. Jan is a Belgian forester / agronomist who has more than 29 years of experience within tree planting in Europe, South America, Asia and Africa. His long experience in Africa makes him one of the leading forestry people in Africa, especially for East-Africa. His expertise will also be used in the other areas where Better Globe Forestry will concentrate its work. Jan Van den Abeele has in addition gained vast experience with water management and irrigation techniques. And he has carried through many tree planting- and similar projects in different developing countries.
Better Globe Forestry
Better Globe Forestry
Better Globe Forestry takes care of the trees you purchase for 20 years from purchase date.
In 2008 Better Globe Forestry signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) in the area of cooperation in developing industrialized planting of Mukau in Kenya. This means that Better Globe have the full support of their knowledge, laboratories and research facilities in Kenya.
Better Globe tree planting project in Sosoma, Kenya
Better Globe is preparing to start a major tree planting project in a 60.000 hectare semi arid area not suitable for food production in Sosoma. Both an “Environment Impact Assessment Study” and a “Water Drilling Study” has been conducted as part of the ongoing preparations. The first trees to be planted are expected to be Mukau and Acacia Senegal.
Child Africa has already donated four 10.000 litre water tanks to a disadvantaged school, Mboty Primary School, close by.
Better Globe members are expected to be able to see their trees grow on the plantation through the use of designated coordinates in Google Earth.
Help Better Globe make a difference: www.providehelp.com
Receiving by giving
Better Globe are by many rightfully associated with the message of books, videos and other material about the law of attraction, the most famous being "The Secret". By encompassing charity, philanthrocapitalism and social investing through tree donations, water donations, donations to Child Africa, donations to micro finance for poor African farmers, socially responsible green investments and other support in Africa, Better Globe brings a new concept of hope for poor Africans. Join Better Globe and become active in the donation program and you are truly embracing the movement needed to prevent hunger and poverty in Africa. In Better Globe you will always be receiving by giving
to those who need it the most!
The uncertainty of charity and donations
The uncertainty of charity and donations
All over the world when charity is mentioned, people ask many different questions, often similar to these:
“Does the money I give reach the poor people in need?”
“How much is being used on administration fees?”
“How can I know that the money I give get there?”
“Is it not eaten up by corruption anyway?”
“Isn’t it just a waste of money?”
In fact, people have good reasons to ask these very questions. It is a well accepted truth, even in the majority of the big and well known charities today;
most of the money is simply NOT GETTING THERE.
In order for any of the donated money to reach the end user, all big and well meaning charity organizations MUST spend most of the money in administration.
Every organization has to hire good and competent people who are well-paid and also have to travel a lot
to do their job, which is necessary. These activities COST MONEY and that money will have to be deducted from whatever is “donated” to the charity organization.
On top of that, in every country where help is needed, corruption works like a cancer and a lot of money is
lost in more ways than one. To make the list complete, charity workers are normally NOT business people, with a mind of sustainability in what they do, even though they often like to think so.
To prove this, let us ask ONE SIMPLE QUESTION:
“What if all donors stop giving money to a charity today, what will happen to the organization tomorrow?”
The answer is:
“The charity will go bankrupt or have to close up”.
The reason being:
“There is no sustainability in any charity organization, which is totally based on donors funding”.
On the other hand, if charity was based on profitable and sustainable business ventures, which could
GIVE BACK some profit to the donors as a sort of “return on investment” (ROI), the charity itself would quickly become sustainable. This has proven to be the case in some microfinance banking, which is well known for success rates of more than 97%.
Better Globe - A new way of giving!
The World’s Best Sustainable “Charity” based on profitable business ventures
Better Globe has created a new holistic way of giving which they have called: "The World’s Best Sustainable “Charity” based on profitable business ventures". The Better Globe profitable business venture is based on a new socially responsible green investment approach.
No other charity concept does so much good for so little and on top of that: Earns you 6.5 times more money than what you contributed with in your donation!
This way, everybody can afford to help prevent poverty in Africa and help save the environment at the same time. Everybody can keep on doing this for the rest of their life, because they get a good interest on the money every time they give their support through Better Globe.
Here are some of the good things you are able to do through Better Globe's socially responsible green investment "charity":
1. Through tree planting you help fight global warming and help save both the local and global environment.
2. Give work to poor people on the plantations.
3. Give poor farmers in dry areas much needed water.
4. Help poor farmers sustain and improve their living through microfinance loans.
5. Give poor children food, education and a future.
On a monthly basis you buy a “Better Globe Donation Package” at only € 49, which includes:
a) 2 Donation Trees, which you donate to poor farmers and underprivileged communities through Better Globe.
b) 500 litres of clean water, delivered directly to poor farmers and communities through Better Globe.
c) € 1.50 is given directly to Child Africa for school building and education of children.
d) € 1.50 is given directly to microfinance banking and loans to assist poor farmers with productivity.
e) 2 Better Globe Trees, which you own for 20 years and earn very good interests on.
The administration of these donations are done FREE by Better Globe and are documented with write ups, photos or video so you can see what is done yourself.
How good is the "charity saving program”?
If you buy ONE “Better Globe Donation Package” every month for one year, you have paid a total of € 588 over the whole year and obtained a total of 24 trees that you profit from. At the end of the 5th year, and the following 14 years, you will get paid 15% interest each year
(= € 54) based on the total of € 360 (trees are valued at € 15, and € 15 X 24 = € 360), which was the price of the 24 Better Globe trees you have bought the first year (through your 12 Better Globe Donation Packages).
After 20 years, when your trees are fully grown, you will get minimum € 150 per tree, a total of € 3600 for 24 trees. This is IN ADDITION to the 15% interest you got on your trees over the last 15 years.
This all totals to a minimum of € 4410. Deduct the buying price of € 588, and you have the rewarding sum
of € 3822 IN MINIMUM PROFIT on the 12 Donation Packages you purchased during your first year.
If you continue with your donations every year, € 3822 is the minimum profit you will have every year after the 20th year. Imagine what could happen if you buy MANY Better Globe Donation Packages each month, or if you invest in Better Globe Trees on top of your donations?
This is called “Doing Good AND Making Money” through socially responsible green investments!
Better Globe consider this to be the best way to give sustainable help to Africa in the long run, by basing all help on sustainable and transparent development of socially responsible business. This will truly give long term help and sustainability to the big numbers of poor farmers on the African continent. Eventually poverty will be eradicated for all the farmers you, me and Better Globe are able to reach out to. Some of the long term effects for Africa are reduction in desertification and soil erosion, increased food production and availability of food, better climate, social stability, to mention a few.
Learn more about Better Globe and see how you can start receiving by giving your support to Africa!
Log on to www.betterglobe.com/14085 and join!
Email me: koskatsar@how2sponsor.com
Better Globe, The World’s Best Sustainable “Charity” based on profitable business ventures. Better Globe and Africa need your help too - the sooner the better!
The content of this page has been audited and exclusively approved by Better Globe AS
Go green with Better Globe in Africa by Doing good AND Making Money through tree planting and socially responsible green investments and "charity"!
A Better Globe by Doing Good
The Better Globe GroupEradicating poverty in Africa through profits, | ||
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Better Globe Forestry writes MoU with KEFRI
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The Companies in the Better Globe Group in Africa
The Companies in the Better Globe Group in Africa:
Better Globe Forestry Ltd. - Kenya
This forestry company is the mother company of our forest companies and is the company doing the planning, physical plantation, hiring people and having the executive responsibility of planting the trees and seeing to that all the studies like Environmental Impact Assessment and Feasibility studies are done in a proper way. Better Globe Forestry also runs a 45 acres test and training farm in Kibwesi in Kenya for trees and agriculture projects. This mother company is also implementing a quality management system for environment in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard. Better Globe Forestry does not need any investors.
The company will work close with the communities wherever we have a tree plantation and provide people with jobs, schools, water, a clinic and agricultural help through Microfinance, so they can become self-sustainable.
Equator Biofuel Ltd. - Kenya
This company is growing Jatropha trees for Biofuel production. The company started operation in 2007, has so far planted 50 Ha with Jatropha in a pilot project and is aiming at becoming the biggest Biofuel producing company in Africa. We are planning to plant more than 100,000 Ha with Jatropha trees in arid land only. We are therefore seeking investors as potential partner, preferably in the field of Biofuel. A Feasibility study has been made for the project, which shows very positive profitability.
Mukau Wood Ltd. - Kenya
This company will grow a type of mahogany tree called Mukau (Melia Volkensii) on 50.000 Ha land in Kenya. The tree is fast growing and has approx. 50-60 cm diameter bole already after 18-20 years. The structure of the wood is beautiful and the quality is similar to other known mahogany or teak trees. A Feasibility study has also been made for this project, which shows very positive profitability. We have for more than 2 years worked on "In Vitro" production of Mukau in a Belgian Laboratory and will get the first "protocol" by the end of 2009. The industrial planting of Mukau will start beginning of 2010.
Better Globe Forestry Ltd. - Uganda
This forestry company is incorporated in Uganda and will start the tree planting process in 2010/11. The company intends to start massive tree planting on dry land in the North and East of Uganda in the years to come.
Integrity First Ltd. - Uganda
This company is publishing the Book "Put Integrity First" with the subtitle "If you want success in Africa", by our Chairman Rino Solberg. By getting this book to the young people in Africa they will hopefully learn and be motivated to use Integrity to become successful. We believe this will be a great help in fighting corruption in Africa, by starting with the young people and think long term. This book is given free as an e-book to all students in schools and universities in Africa.
A FREE version of the e-book, Put Integrity First, can be downloaded here.
Equator Line Centre Ltd. - Kenya
This company has 500 acres of land, where the main road from south to north in Uganda crosses the Equator, and will build a hotel resort, a golf course and a culture/sculpture park. The project is expected to commence in 2011 and will be the only one of its kind in the world where a golf player can hit the ball from one hemisphere to the other. The project is expected to contribute a lot to Uganda’s tourism. Anyone who is interested in owning a part of The Equator can contact us as there are some options for investors in some part of this project.
WebBizAfrica Ltd. - Uganda
This company aims at becoming the biggest and most used African Internet portal, with all you need to know about all countries in Africa for business or leisure. The company also has the goal to make it easier for small African companies to sell their products abroad and create contacts with the international market through this website.
Total Quality Management Ltd. (Uganda and Kenya)
Total Quality Management Ltd (TQM) is a consultancy company with a mission of building leadership through quality, promoting integrity and effectiveness in African business. TQM were the pioneers in bringing the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) Quality Management systems concept to Uganda in 1994.
The major role of TQM is to help companies achieve better quality and effectivity through ISO Certification.